

We need your help to urgently stop $483 million of taxpayers money being given to a private company to build Urannah Dam!

The project is still going through economic and environmental assessments, despite this, an email campaign has been started by supporters of the dam to pressure the Federal Government to keep its commitment of public money to fund this private project. 

We need to counter this campaign with as many letters as possible sent to the Federal Treasurer before the Federal Budget announcement on October 25th.

First proposed back in the 1960’s, every economic and environmental study of ...

We need your help to urgently stop $483 million of taxpayers money being given to a private company to build Urannah Dam!

The project is still going through economic and environmental assessments, despite this, an email campaign has been started by supporters of the dam to pressure the Federal Government to keep its commitment of public money to fund this private project. 

We need to counter this campaign with as many letters as possible sent to the Federal Treasurer before the Federal Budget announcement on October 25th.

First proposed back in the 1960’s, every economic and environmental study of the feasibility of Urannah Dam has found that it is not a viable option. Urannah Dam is just one of many dam proposals within the Burdekin Basin. They will have a disturbing cumulative impacts on Queensland's largest river system.

Mackay Conservation Group is the leading environmental organisation in the Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday Region in Central Queensland working to protect our waterways, which are integral to our ecosystems - they are the lifeblood of our communities and carry huge cultural value. 


Email the Federal Treasurer

Email the Federal Treasurer to urgently stop $483 million of taxpayers' money being given to a private company to Dam Urannah Creek - one of the last remaining wild rivers in Central Queensland!

We need as many emails in as possible to pressure the Governent ahead of the Federal Budget on October 25th.

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If you're not a resident of Queensland, please add the appropriate place name in the email text.