There’s a plan to privatise parts of our national park system. We can prevent that happening by putting public pressure on the ministers responsible for this outrageous plan. We're asking you to join hundreds of other Queenslanders and email the Environment Minister to ask her not to give away national park land to private tourism operators.
Here’s the background. Last month, Queensland Government asked private tourism operators to come forward with proposals to develop private accommodation and infrastructure within three of our national parks. National park land will be leased to private businesses for their exclusive use ...
There’s a plan to privatise parts of our national park system. We can prevent that happening by putting public pressure on the ministers responsible for this outrageous plan. We're asking you to join hundreds of other Queenslanders and email the Environment Minister to ask her not to give away national park land to private tourism operators.
Here’s the background. Last month, Queensland Government asked private tourism operators to come forward with proposals to develop private accommodation and infrastructure within three of our national parks. National park land will be leased to private businesses for their exclusive use for up to 60 years. During that time the private operators will have the sole right to conduct guided tours and other activities in those parks. The government is also offering to provide a substantial subsidy of up to $5 million to construct accommodation in one of the parks. All these developments will be fast tracked through the assessment process and it’s quite likely the public will have little say in the outcome.
We must stop this plan before it gets further traction otherwise none of our parks will be safe from tourism development. Write an email to Environment Minister, Leeanne Enoch today and let her know that national parks should never be privatised.
The Queensland Government has called on private tourism operators to construct private accommodation and establish exclusive tourism projects in some of our most sensitive and most beautiful our national parks.
So far about 15,000 people have signed various petitions against this proposal. To make those petitions more powerful we're asking you to email the environment minister today and ask her to withdraw support for the process.